Dr. Sana Azhar
Prof. Dr. Sana Azhar Ph.D., mother of a 24-year-old son – suffering from pervasive developmental disorders. CEO of Pakistan Autism Health Sciences & Research Foundation, (a dream project that finally found its way to becoming reality when the foundation was registered on 31 October 2017) and a voluntary autism support worker/activist since 2003.
She is the founding member/Chartered President of the Rotary Club of Lahore – AWWAKE which aims at creating awareness and rendering necessary consultation/care to children with ASD. With more than 21 years of experience in handling children with special needs including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Asperger Syndrome, and Dyslexia specifically ADHD, & ADSD in general. In the backdrop of mothering special children without any established institutionalized support, she has acquired expertise including team building, setting and meeting targeted deadlines, and writing and ensuring implementation of procedures and SOPs with emphasis on special needs and management.

- Special Education. Acquired essential training through online courses, practical handling of ASD children for 19 years, and visiting credible institutes inland and at Malaysia and Troina (Italy).
- Training. Training and staff development, records keeping, developing policies, and legal compliance.
- Family Counseling. Vastexperience in family counseling of parents with special children.
- Awareness Activist. Has been conducting seminars on Awareness of special needs with special emphasis on Autism Spectrum Disorder and Asperger Syndrome.
- Inclusive Education. Has been working and emphasizing inclusive education and has held seminars in various schools on inclusive education.
- Matric (HSSC) 1stDivision (Private), BISE Swat
- FA 1stDivision (Private) BISE Peshawar
- PhD (Humane Letters) University ofRT USA.

- Attended Microsoft Windows & MS Office certification course from Headquarters 1 Corps Computer Training Institute Mangla.
- Attended workshops and acquired experience certificate in handling and teaching Montessori & Nursery classes from Gandhara Public School Islamabad.
- Acquired certificate from Agha Khan University for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
- Awarded certificate of recognition for best practices in Autismfrom the Rotary Club of Catania, Italy.
- Acquired certificate-level training from the National University of Science and Technologyin the following disciplines: –
- Hospital Planning & Facilities Management.
- Diagnostic & Pharmaceutical Services.
- Patient Services and HMIS
- Acquired ABLLS – Rtraining regarding Children with special needs specifically AUTISM Spectrum Disorder at the University of Lahore in 2014.
- Motivational speaker on issues related to Autism and their management.

- President Pakistan Business Club (PBC) Islamabad
- President University of American Eagles, New York, United States of America.
- Member & Ambassador Common Wealth Entrepreneurs Club United Kingdom. Formed Pakistan Autism Health Sciences & Research Foundation and acquired its registration under the Securities Exchange Commission of Pakistan under Section 42 in October 2017.
- Voluntarily worked with the Spastic Center of Malaysia as a member Rotary Club of KL West.
- Member Rare Disease Society of Malaysia.
- Past President 2016/17 and entrusted upon for appointment as Assistant Governor District 3272 (Pakistan) in Rotary International.
- Held Oral Hygiene Campaign “It’s All About Teeth” at Islamabad at National Science Fair 2016/17 from 2 – 7 December 2016. During the camp, free consultation and checkups of about 15000 people were recorded.
- Held free medical camps at Lakhewal – Mandi Baha Uddin and ensured free consultation for Polio, Sugar, Hepatitis A, B & C, Ophthalmology, and general problems. Free medicines were also provided to the patients.
- Started a literacy project “Hope Valley Project” for the underprivileged faction of society by ensuring free quality education at Gandhara Public School Islamabad.
- Established Rotary Club of Lahore AWWAKE, District 3272 Pakistan on 15 September 2016 and became its Charter President.
- Worked voluntarily with Amin Maktab, Akhuwat Foundation, and Punjab Welfare Trust as Chartered President Rotary Club of Lahore AWWAKE.
- As President Rotary Club of Lahore AWWAKE and a team leader in social work with special emphasis on special education, its needs, and collective response towards the calamity-struck areas by the communities collectively. For example, rendering a helping hand to earthquake-affected areas during the 26 October 2015 earthquake.
- Has worked voluntarily for a term of one year as a teacher for Autistic Children at Rising Sun School for Special Children DHA Lahore in 2009.
- Working voluntarily for the well-being of people with special needs.
- Joined Rotary International in 2015 with a mission of creating awareness amongst the masses about Autism Spectrum Disorder, Special needs, and moral obligations in rendering helping hands as a community.
- Taught junior classes at Frontier Corps Public School Chaman for a period of three years (2005 – 2008).
- Worked as an Administrator and taught Montessori and nursery classes at Khyber Model School Muzaffarabad for a term of one year.
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